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A Syrus Clean operative removing hazardous waste

Case Study 1 

A Syrus Clean operative removing hazardous waste

Syrus Clean received a call on 27th December 2020, from a company that had been let down by their existing cleaning and waste management company.
The company were a lab, who performed Covid Test and Trace on behalf of the NHS. They had been left over the holiday period without any waste removal or cleaning.

The Solution

The first thing to do, was clear the backlog of waste that had been left, due to the other companies failed collections. Syrus deployed a team on the 27th of December, removed all of the waste, to allow the lab to continue their operations safely.
Due to our excellent service, we were invited to meet with the operations team, to look at their current set up. Our in-house Dangerous Goods Safety Advisor and Waste Management Specialist provided an audit of the site and their current systems.
The lab was in the process of obtaining their UKAS approval which meant there were certain requirements which must be met.
Syrus provided the following across 3 sites over the UK,
• Full waste management which included clinical and hazardous waste removal.
• A 24-hour cleaning team, which worked in shifts, ensuring there were always trained cleaners on hand.
• A team of trained waste operatives and cleaners, were inserted into the frameworks of the lab and their team work seamlessly, ensuring infection control and a safe working environment.
• The construction of waste storage units
• Risk Assessments, Policies, Procedures and in house waste management and awareness training for all staff that were encountering infectious waste.
• A full waste management and cleaning system, including the provisions of all types of waste bins.
During the UKAS assessments Syrus Clean was on site to answer questions about of procedures we had implemented, we provided detailed explanations of all managements systems in place and agreements.

The Outcome

The systems and procedures provided and carried out by Syrus Clean were accepted by UKAS, allowing us to be the sole clean and waste management service for the duration of the labs NHS Test and Trace contract.
Urgent Response Unit

Case Study 2

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